Questions for insurance purposes
Please Tick
Please provide details of incidents if any
I confirm that the information I have given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief complete
and accurate, and accept that any misrepresentation of the above may lead to refusal of any work offered by
SM Global
Please insert the dates the following categories were attained?
Tick the skills and business areas in which you have experience and would like to work:-
I confirm that the information I have given on this form is, to the best of my knowledge and belief complete
and accurate, and accept that any misrepresentation of the above may lead to refusal of any work offered by
SM Global
1. Declaration (all Drivers to Sign)
48-hour Limitation Waiver (Domestic Rules – Van drivers to complete)
The Working Time Regulations 1998 (the regulation) require the company to limit your average
weekly working time to 48 hours, unless you agree with the company that the limit shall not apply
to you.
The Company wishes to have an agreement with you. It proposes an agreement (which will
apply until terminated by notice) on the basis that:
a. The 48 hours on weekly working time will not apply to you.
b. You may terminate the agreement (so that the 48-hour time limit would apply to you) by
giving the person at the Company, to whom you usually report, 4 weeks written notice
Under the regulations, the company must keep records relating to your working time. This is the
case whether you reach an agreement with the company about waiving working time limits.
If you accept the company’s proposal, please sign below this document will then be the record
of agreement between you and the company.
Health and Safety Declaration
Whilst working for Staffing Match I will (a) not use any machinery unless experienced and able,
(b) not work on dangerous machinery (e.g. meat slicer) unless 18+ of age and supervised or
experienced in the use of machinery.
I will ensure that at all times I will take every precaution to (a) avoid injury to myself and others,
(b) prevent damage to any equipment/machinery.
I understand my responsibilities with regards to health and safety at work and have received
Staffing Match’s Health & Safety Policy.
Confidentiality Declaration
I will not at any time divulge to any person, nor use for my own or any other person’s benefit, any
confidential information in relation to the client or company or in relation to any of their
employees, business affairs, transactions or finances which I may acquire during the currently of
my agreement with the company under the terms.
Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 Declaration
I declare that I have no previous/current nor pending criminal convictions other than those
spent under the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974.
Personal Declaration
I confirm that the information given on my application is correct and there is nothing further,
about which I am aware, that should be taken into account when offering me work. Should the
situation change whilst I am either, (a) engaged in a temporary assignment by Staffing Match
(b) in between assignment for Staffing Match, I will immediately notify the relevant Staffing
Match Branch. I understand that, should any information prove inaccurate, my assignment may
be terminated.
I hereby authorise Staffing Match to seek references and I understand the information may be
used to assist with my application for work. I also authorise Staffing Match to forward my
Curriculum Vitae to Hirers to assist with my application for work.
I agree that information given on my application may be used for registration purpose under the
Data Protection Act.
I also agree that should ‘stop and search’ be used on a client’s premises, I shall comply with
I confirm the terms of these declarations and agree to be bound by them
As part of any recruitment process, the organisation collects and processes personal data
relating to job applicants. The organisation is committed to being transparent about how it
collects and uses that data and to meeting its data protection obligations.
Please review our privacy notice for information on your rights to erasure and process your
personal data at
Driver’s Declaration
I hereby acknowledge that, before taking over any vehicle, it is my responsibility to carry out all
responsibilities laid on the driver under The Motor Vehicles (Construction and Use) Regulations and
Road Vehicles Regulations, and in addition shall be responsible for all daily and/or weekly cheeks
to ensure the vehicle is road worthy at all times.
I undertake to inform Staffing Match of any incidents which may occur in the future, which may
result in prosecution, or the impairment of my driving efficiency.
I understand that licence checks will be completed every 3 months, if during this period I have a
conviction/points I will immediately inform Staffing Match. I understand my failure to do so may
result in the client’s insurance being null and void.
I herby undertake to inform Staffing Match of the number of hours I have worked etc. Should I at
anytime work as a driver on my own behalf, or on behalf of any person, firm or company, at
between or during period(s) of driving that I might do as a result of an introduction by Staffing
I acknowledge that it is my responsibility to ensure that a Tachograph is issued to me by the client
that I ensure that it is returned to Staffing Match after 29 days, failure to do so may result in my
termination from any assignments. I acknowledge that I use my Digital Tachograph that I will
download the information on to the client’s database at the end of each shift, failure to do so may
result in my termination from any assignments.
I will contact Staffing Match immediately should I have any queries.
Workforce Agreement
This agreement is made on the
1. Staffing Match is in the business of the supply of Temporary Workers.
2. The working Time Road Transport Regulations that became effective on the 5th April
2005 and effects the manner in which mobile workers and the Company together
conduct the operation.
3. Staffing Match and the representative of the workforce in a workforce agreement
have agreed on the behalf of the workforce to adopt the flexibility provided by the
regulations in respect of both the Night Work Limitations and reference periods for
calculating the 48 hour weekly working time.
1. Definitions
Location: SM Global Consultancy Ltd Trading as Staffing Match (Operating
Bradeys Business Centre
Central Way
North Feltham Trading Estate
TW14 0XQ
Regulations: Shall mean Road Transport Working Time Regulations 2005.
Mobile workers: Shall mean Night workers as defined by the regulations and all
mobile workers services being utilized by Staffing Match.
2. Scope of Agreement
This agreement is made pursuant to regulation 4 (2) (extend night work limit) and 4 (3)
(set fixed calendar reference periods) 0r 4 (4) (extend reference periods to a
maximum of 26 weeks ).
3. Term of Agreement
This agreement shall remain in force for a period of 5 years effective from the date
indicated above
4. Operative Provision
a. Agreement
The parties acknowledge and agree that the regulations will impact on
the manner in which the operation is conducted. The parties believe that
it is the benefit of both the Company and the employees for certain
provisions of the regulations to be extended or modified.
b. Night Work Limit
The worker will work beyond the 10 Hour work limit stated in the regulations
but only to the extent where this would not be in breach of the regulation
or EU Drivers Hours Regulations 561/06.
c. Reference Period
For the purpose of calculating the 48 Hour average the reference
period shall be successive 17 weeks reference period.
The first day of a 17 week reference period will begin at 00.00 hours on
Monday. The reference periods that will apply to mobile workers for
2020/2021 will be:
i. 7th December 2020 – 4th April 2021
ii. 5th May 2021 – 1st August 2021
iii. 2nd August 2021 – 5th December 2021
This pattern of fixed reference periods will continue until this
workforce agreement expires.
5. Avoidance of Doubt
For the avoidance of doubt, the parties acknowledge and agree that save as
specifically set out above, the provisions of the regulations shall be in full force
and effect.
Dear Colleague,
Drug and Alcohol Testing
Health and Safety is on the Staffing Match agenda and we are making various changes
to improve the Health and Safety of all employees. We are implementing random and
“for cause” testing, the event of an accident, we can further improve the Health
and Safety of SM Global workers and other road users, and potentially reduce the
number of accidents that can occur. Drug and Alcohol testing is common practice in
both the warehousing and logistics industry we operate in, and therefore SM Global
would like to align itself with other retailers in this sector.
Who will be Tested ?
Any Staffing Match employee / Sub Contractor can be tested ; no employee group is
exempt from testing. Any approach to testing will be completed with a fair and
consistent approach.
Who will be doing the testing ?
A third party testing company will be utilized to conduct the tests, either on random
dates across all shifts or in the event of an accident, and carry out random testing or
testing on the employee where there is concern that the use of drugs / Alcohol may be a
risk. The Drug testing will seek evidence of examples of a wide range of Drugs including
prescribed drugs. The results of the tests are available instantly (Alcohol) and within
fifteen minutes (drugs), and then can be taken into account in any subsequent accident
investigation and potential disciplinary action as per your employee handbook. For
consistency across the group, and given that we have drivers who operate into
Scotland, we will be testing at the Scottish limit of 50mg per litre.
What is defined as an Accident ?
An Accident is defined as any incident that causes damage or harm, Which could be; a
driver being involved in an accident in the yard or on the highway where the police are
not involved, a forklift driver in the warehouse damaging the racking, or a member of the
office team falling down the stairs. This list is not exhaustive.
When will this be happening ?
This will take place with immediate effect. If you take any medication then please let a
member of the Staffing Match team know so this can be noted on your file.
Should you have any concerns or wish to discuss the contents of this letter, please
contact a member of Staffing Match.
Yours Sincerely
SM Global Consultancy Ltd
I the candidate agree to SM Global Consultancy LTDs drug and alcohol policy