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Step 1: Key Information Document

Please complete the below Key Information Document


This document contains the key information which applies in our relationship. Further information can be found in your contract, Worker Assignment Schedule and worker handbook.

We welcome any questions or issues that you wish to raise on the information in this document. Please contact to discuss these.

You also have the right to raise any concerns with the appropriate independent authority the Gangmasters and Labour Abuse Authority on 0800 432 0804 / Employment Agency Standards Inspectorate on 0207 4566 5333

Employment Business name and address:

SM Global Consultancy Ltd,
Bradleys’s Business Centre,
1st Floor, Central Way,
Feltham, TW14 0XQ

Type of contract:

Contract for Services

Minimum rate of pay expected:

Your minimum rate of pay will be the National Living Wage (delete as appropriate) in effect at the time of work as can be found at

Remember that the rate is relevant to the relationship with the labour provider and not to an individual labour user or assignment

Intervals at which you will be paid

Paid each Friday a week in arrears

Costs and deductions required by law which affect your pay:

We are required by law to deduct income tax and national insurance from your wages. After three months engagement, we are also required to deduct pension contributions. We may also be instructed to deduct any County Court Judgements made against you.

Other costs and deductions that affect your pay:

Criminal Record Checks

PPE – on termination

Salary Advance or overpayments of wages

The amount (or where the amount cannot be stated, the method of calculation) of any other costs and deductions affecting your pay:

No other deductions are made from wages / The following deductions are made: (delete as appropriate)

Services or goods for which we may charge a fee to you:

No fees are charged for any goods or services provided to you

The amount (or where the amount cannot be stated, the method of calculation) of any fees for services or goods for which we/ charge a fee to you:

No fees are charged for any goods or services provided to you

Non-monetary benefits to which you are entitled:


Holiday entitlement:

You are entitled to 5.6 weeks annual holiday accrued in proportion to the hours that you work. If you work at one company for more than 12 weeks, you might be entitled to additional holiday entitlement to match their directly employed workers. Your Worker Assignment Schedules provide these details.

Holiday pay:

Payment for your holidays will be made at the average rate of pay you have earned over the 52 weeks prior to your holiday. Your average rate will include all the hours you worked, including overtime.

For more information on how holidays are accrued, booked and paid, please see your worker handbook

Below is a representative example statement showing gross pay, costs and deductions, any fees charged and net pay for a weeks work. This is an example only and the amounts are dependent upon the pay rate and the hours that you actually work.

Sample payslip

Click to sign:


Staffing Match is committed to a policy of equal opportunities for all work seekers and shall adhere to such a policy at all times and will review on an ongoing basis all aspects of recruitment to avoid unlawful or undesirable discrimination. We treat everyone equally irrespective of sex, sexual orientation, marital status, age, disability, race, color, ethnic or national origin, religion, political beliefs or membership or non-membership of a trade union and we place a requirement upon our staff to respect and act in accordance with the policy.

Staffing Match shall not discriminate unlawfully when deciding which candidate/temporary worker is submitted for a vacancy or assignment, or in any terms of employment or terms of engagement for temporary agency workers.Staffing Match will ensure that each candidate is assessed only in accordance with the candidate’s merits, qualification and ability to perform the relevant duties required by the particular vacancy.
